Monthly Archives: April 2018

Updates to A-level Textbook

I had a bit of a spurt of effort on my e-text book project over Easter and it is now all in the same format. It is very much an ongoing project though. At the moment it as an amalgamation of all the written material I have consolidated from various sources of mine. It is not therefore syllabus specific. Some material may be the same as what is on the revision guides. Some has more extensive explanations or I have tried to look at things from a different angle. Some material is also extension to A-level. Over time I will add to the explanations to turn the revision guide bits into something more detailed. I will also add to the questions that appear in some chapters.

International A-level Chemistry for CIE and Edexcel

There are two completely new sets of guides.  One for CIE (Cambridge International Assessments) and one for international Edexcel. They have both been written for the new syllabi. So if you are taking exams in 2018 they may not be an exact match. Changes are relatively minor though. They are very different syllabi so make sure you revise the right one.

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